International Cargo & Freight Shipping Platform

Get instant transportation quotes to more than 130 countries, manage your logistics operations effectively!

Your Online Logistics Assistant

Getting a cargo offer with Navlungo is as easy as getting online flight tickets! Tell us your criteria and we will immediately get you the best carrying option you need by connecting to our broad network of international agencies. Save time and money in your global e-commerce sales.

  • Connect your store

    Connect your store on global marketplaces to our panel. Once you have an order in your store, get your cargo quote online. Automatize the whole cargo process.

  • Compare cargo quotes

    Choose the best cargo service among our economy, express, and other service options.

  • Pay online and track your shipping

    Upload your documents and complete your payment in one click. You can deliver your package by demanding a courier right to your apartment. Track your shipping easily with the tracking number provided to you.

We provide you with online, end-to-end logistics solutions during your entire shipping process.

E-Commerce Logistics

Manage all your cross-border e-commerce logistics operations through our smart dashboard. Save time in your global cargo operations. Enter the dimension and weight of your order into our smart dashboard, compare the quotes and select the most suitable option for your cargı need. Grow your e-commerce business with our smart and customized dashboard!

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E-İhracat Lojistiği

Seaway and Freight Logistics

Get stronger with the global network of agencies when managing your logistics operations. Get online competitive prices for each transport line. Ship your Amazon FBA orders with our Amazon Seaway Service. Save a huge amount on your shipping costs.

Amazon FBA

Fulfillment Service

Enjoy e-commerce logistics and fulfillment services we present in 8 different countries. Leave warehousing, order processing, invoicing, packaging, shipping, return, and customer management to us. Focus more on growing your business.

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Fulfillment Hizmeti

Partner Cargo Companies

Take advantage of the privileged service and special offers that our global partner cargo companies present to Navlungo customers.

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TNT Logo
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United States Postal Service Logo 2
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Customer Testimonials

twin logo
“Since the day we started working with Navlungo, we have not had any problem neither in customs, nor in our shipments. They provide a seamless customer experience from the beginning till the end.”
Mehmet Esat TavukcuChief Operating Officer - Twin Science
DSIGN logo
“I was trying to collect numerous freight quotes from various companies beforehand. What is more, I had to send reminder emails to each of them to be able to get a reply. Now, thanks to the Navlungo team, I can get quick responses to all my requests. All of our products are delivered to their destination points on time, thanks to the diligent work and sensitive follow-up of the team. Thank you to the entire Navlungo team for their endless support.”
Berrin ZeybekProject Manager - Dsign Group
Caretta Home logo
“We have been carrying out express, box, and pallet shipments for a year with Navlungo. In addition to their exquisite support during and after the shipping operation, Navlungo also helps us with its clear and easy to use website. Thanks to Navlungo, we can give our entire focus on sales. I would like to thank the whole team for their continuous support."
Çetin BayraktarE-Commerce Director - Caretta Home

Who Can Use Us?

Any company wishing to expand its business overseas can utilize the freight logistics and international warehousing & fulfillment services of Navlungo.

Entrepreneurs practicing cross-border e-commerce and SMEs

Get online shipping quotes and manage your logistics operation.

Retailers expanding their business abroad

Store your products abroad, get both logistics and fulfillment service.

International companies practicing import and export

Choose the best shipping quote and manage your overseas cargo.

Let’s organize your first shipping together!
24/7 customer support - Online Payment - Real-Time TrackingGet a Shipping Quote!